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Virtual store Bebestil - study case

Site Web:

"We are a couple of happy parents who share an immense love for their baby. This idea of business was born from our passion for the simple things, which are filled with love.

We offer new products, chosen with great love and attention, things of very good quality, proved by the quality certificates. Most of the products are provided by great manufacturers and distributors from Great Britain, addressed to the children that are up to 3 years old."

DIrina Timofeiov
General manager


Making an online store with which the company S.C. Special Bebe S.R.L can sell online the products from portofolio.


Following technical expertise made by AxaSoft Consulting team, it was proposed to implement a new web site that will replace the old one, which no longer meets the company vision.

Following technical expertise made by the team AxaSoft Consulting, it was proposed the implementation of an online store, built on ShopIQ e-commerce platform, developed by our company. It was proposed the ShopIQ Base package, over which were added several modules: multilingual, dynamic parameters, advanced products filter, articles, and some specific functionality.


After the implementation of the professional e-commerce solution developed by AxaSoft Consulting, the company S.C. Special Bebe S.R.L. enjoy the following:

  • Am professional e-commerce solution
  • Competitive implementation costs compared with competition for a complete and stable product.
  • Little time necessary for implementation; there was necessary only 2 weeks of work, including the time for developing specifically features for this site.
  • Online visibility because of the SEO support provided by ShopIQ platform. Almost no longer need an SEO specialist, the application is designed in a way that ensures a good indexing in search engines.
  • Online image in concordance with company's expectations. The web design used in this site was made to meet the image and company profile.
  • Easy managing of the product catalog because of user friendly and intuitive interface, and of functionality provided by ShopIQ platform.

AxaSoft Consulting

AxaSoft Consulting is a young and dynamic company but with a large experience, specializing in the development and implementation of turnkey software applications or on request.

AxaSoft Consulting has started independently in 2011 by transforming a business line of AtypIQ Software company, which deals with developing e-commerce applications (virtual stores, product catalogs) based on ShopIQ platform. Now we operate as a separate company specialised on web application development (outsourcing or on request).


For mach more details about the benefits and functionalities of the solution applied for implementing store, or for information regarding other software applications from S.C. AxaSoft Consulting S.R.L portofolio, we invite you to visit the company web page:

Dou you want to open your own online store ?
You dont have experience in managing an online store ?
Consider out offer and start fastest an good and cheap online store.

If you need assistance or if you have questions regarding the mode of how to open your online store, do not hesitate to call or email us using the contact page.

Demo online store
Note: In the online store demo, created with ShopIQ e-commerce platform, several actions or functions has been blocked.
Username Password
Admin:   administrator administrator
User:   demouser demouser
ShopIQ Base

ShopIQ Profi

ShopIQ Custom

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