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ShopIQ module for management of products

What is the role of Products module ?

The Products module, by its available functionalities in ShopIQ e-commerce platform, has the role to define and maintain the products or services that are sold through the shop.

Caracteristics of a Product

  • Category: products can be organized in a hierarchical structure of categories. Any product must be assigned to a category. A product can not be assigned simultaneously to two categories.
  • Brand: any product must be associated with a brand. If you can not assign a brand, it will be used the generic brand Noname
  • Marketing filters: a product may be associated with one or more marketing actions: New products, Recommendations, Promotions, Awarded, Stock clearing
  • Stock: stock can be maintained and displayed in two ways: as value, representing the real stock, or as stock indicators.
  • Warranty: value taken from warranties classification
  • Measure unit: value taken from measure units classification
  • Pice: product price, depending on how it was application configured, may or may not include VAT
  • Curerncy: value taken from currencies classification
  • VAT: value taken from VATs classification
  • Images: a product has associated with three images, with the following meaning:
    • Picture 1: picture displayed in the list of products
    • Picture 2: picture displayed in the product presentation page
    • Picture 3: default picture in photo gallery
  • SEO / SEF elements: elements which provide the support for a good indexing in search engines
  • Parameters: can be valorized the parameters associated with the category of the product or with higher categories. It is not required to be valorized all parameters from a product.
  • Accessories: can be associated other products to the current product, representing accessories or products which are compatible with it.
  • Links: can be defined links to other pages from the shop or outside of it.
  • Documents: can be associated any documents (Word, Excel, PDF, images, etc.). These can be downloaded from the product detail page.
  • Photo gallery: can be assigned photos to be displayed in the photo gallery of the product. The system has a functionality for automatic resize of the images.
  • Comments: can be managed the comments posted by users on the site.

Action for duplicating products:

To ease the creation of products, in the case of similar products, ShopIQ provides the functionality for duplicating the products. The action will copy the desired product, creating another product with the same structure as the original.

Dou you want to open your own online store ?
You dont have experience in managing an online store ?
Consider out offer and start fastest an good and cheap online store.

If you need assistance or if you have questions regarding the mode of how to open your online store, do not hesitate to call or email us using the contact page.

Demo online store
Note: In the online store demo, created with ShopIQ e-commerce platform, several actions or functions has been blocked.
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